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Titans Grip mechanic in Hearthstone

hello guys, i have a awesome idea for warriors to make them a little more powerful with their weapons. what is it you ask? well, it's the ability to dual wield! :D Warriors can equip 2 weapons at the same time.

someone at hearthpwn made a awesome comment on how the mechanic should work and i would love to adapt to it.

"Dual-Wield would work similarly to windfury. Your hero gets 1 attack with each weapon. You'd click on the weapon then aim the attack at an enemy minion or hero and you could use both independently or not at all."

when trying to equip a weapon when already 2 equipped, you will be asked which one to destroy.

you can find my hearthstone forum about it below! :)


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Negabolt 11 Feb 2016