AELAIR05 - Hive Infestation

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Published 2020-12-01T12:03:27+00:00

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    $8.00 AELAIR05 - Hive Infestation

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2020-12-01T12:03:27+00:00

    Aether Studios

    @Aether Studios

    655 objects

    Add Files To Cart $8.00
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    92% goes to the Creator
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    28 0 Add to Collection
    Détail de l'impression
    Technical Information
    Date de publication 01/12/2020
    Price $8.00
    Sans support YES
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Arch Floor.stl
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Carapace Floor.stl
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Curve Floor 1.Stl
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Open Carapace Floor.stl
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Straight Floor 1.Stl
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Straight Floor 2.Stl
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Straight Floor 3.Stl
    Floors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Straight Floor 4.Stl
    Led Floor Slot.stl
    Pillars Columns Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Center Column.stl
    Pillars Columns Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Corner Pillar.stl
    Pillars Columns Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Maw Production Release.stl
    Pillars Columns Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Pillar.stl
    Pillars Columns Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Talonspire.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Claw Door.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Corner Wall Carapace.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Corner Wall Spire.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Curved Wall.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Infested Y Wall.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Straight Wall Growth.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Straight Wall Spire.stl
    Walls Doors Alien Lair 2X2 Xenospine Doorway.stl