"Fossil Plastics; Alegiazko Enborrak" [scanned tree barks]

Created by: Martin Etxauri

13 objects
This is part of an artistic project called "Fossil Plastics; Alegiazko Enborrak" that aims to make a reflection on the importance of trees as a base of our global and local ecosystems and the problem with the plastics all around the globe. This scanned tree bark collection is uploaded to server as educational (or whatever) material for whom find it useful. This project had the creation grant from the CAF-Elhuyar 2019 prizes. || EU : "Fossil Plastics; Alegiazko Enborrak" izeneko proiektu artistikoaren parte da hau. Proiektu honek zuhaitzek gure ekosistema global eta lokaletan duten garrantziari buruz eta mundu osoan plastikoekin dugun arazoari buruz gogoeta egin nahi du. Eskaneatutako zuhaitz-azalaren bilduma hau sarera igotzen da hezkuntza-material gisa (edo dena delakoa), erabilgarria aurkitzen duenarentzat. Proiektu honek CAF-Elhuyar 2019 sarien "Gizartea Zientzian" sorkuntza beka jaso zuen.