Campaign Cover

Post apocalyptic miniatures - Terrifying Anomaly (STL Files)

Created by MedusaProject's Avatar MedusaProject

High quality 32mm scale post-apocalyptic miniatures available in STL 3D printable files.

Post apocalyptic miniatures - Terrifying Anomaly (STL Files)

Created by MedusaProject's Avatar MedusaProject
  • Pledges (2)
  • Add-ons (1)


8 of 9 backers

USD 105.13

Includes 23 products

Licensed Tier

This Pledge will guarantee you LIFETIME right to sell 3Dprinted physical copies of all .STL files and all models from stretch goals that will be UNLOCKED during this campaing.

Files are going to be available in 32mm, pre-supported and withouth supports.

INCLUDING the rights to sell and print  the Early Bird miniatures!

0 of 5 backers

USD 241.79

Includes 41 products

Licensed Tier

This Pledge will guarantee you LIFETIME right to sell 3Dprinted physical copies of all .STL files and all models from stretch goals that will be UNLOCKED during this campaing.

Additionally you will gain  LIFETIME right to sell 3Dprinted physical copies of all .STL files and all models from stretch goals that were UNLOCKED during our first "Post apocalyptic miniatures (resin, metal and STL files)" campaign. 19 models in total (including alternative parts and bits).

Files are going to be available in 32mm for Vol2 and 28mm + 32mm for Vol1 models, pre-supported and without supports.

INCLUDING the rights to sell and print  the Early Bird miniatures!

DOES NOT INCLUDE 2 Kickstarter Exclusive models of female mechanic from Vol1!


USD 5.00

Post-Apo Survivors - Outcast Owl & Flint


32mm scale