Campaign Cover

3D Printable Xeno Terrain Vol III

Created by Hodge3Design's Avatar Hodge3Design

Core Files

Power Hub - 110mm x 110mm x 130mm High
Obelisk - 69mm x 69mm x 210mm High
Wall Section -99.5mm x 92mm x 141mm High - OpenLOCK
Wall LH End - 86mm x 131mm x 141mm High - OpenLOCK
Wall RH End - 86mm x 131mm x 141mm High - OpenLOCK
Sarcophagus - 55mm x 30mm x 18mm High
Sarcophagus Stand - 76mm x 40mm x 31mm High

Centrepiece - Printed in 3 Parts as below
Centrepiece Base - 199.5mm x 199.5mm x 22mm High
Centrepiece Centre - 58mm x 58mm x 200mm High
Centrepiece Corner - 31mm x 31mm x 110mm High

90­° Wall Corner (External) - 104mm x 104mm x 141mm High - OpenLOCK
Wall Gateway - 199mm x 96mm x 149mm High - OpenLOCK

Stretch Goals

90° Wall Corner - Internal 
New Scatter
30° & 45° Wall Corner - External
30° & 45° Wall Corner - Internal
Wall Tower - Inline
Crypt Entrance
Wall Tower - Corner
Dice Tower
Objective Markers
Damaged Wall Section
Wall Stairs
OpenLOCK Compatible Floor Tiles
Landing Pad
Unit Bases
Gauss Power Block

3D Printable Xeno Terrain Vol III

Created by Hodge3Design's Avatar Hodge3Design
  • Pledges (1)
  • Add-ons (0)


138 backers

USD 17.99

Includes 1 product

This Pledge receives all of the Core files for the project and any successful stretch goals.