Campaign Cover


Created by IllGottenGames's Avatar IllGottenGames

Pocket-Tactics is a fast-paced, modular strategy boardgame in which fantasy forces battle for control of a randomly generated hex map. We first introduced Pocket-Tactics as a 3d print-and-play game back in 2012. It's had lots of iterations in the years since and this is the commercial version.

This campaign is finished


Created by IllGottenGames's Avatar IllGottenGames


20 backers

USD 5.00

Includes 1 product

Pocket-Tactics is a fast-paced, modular strategy boardgame in which fantasy forces battle for control of a randomly generated hex map. For those who don't have a 3D printer, this includes a traditional print-and-play version of the game that can be printed from a PDF on paper or cardstock.

15 backers

USD 10.00

Includes 3 products

This is the full standard game, and includes all the STL files for the core set + the traditional print-and-play PDF.

589 backers

USD 20.00

Includes 13 products

This is the full standard game, and includes all the STL files for the core set + the traditional print-and-play PDF + every stretch goal we add as we go! This includes expanded character units for either faction, NINE new factions, new terrain tiles and special locations, expanded rules including special scenarios, campaign play, and multiplayer (more than two), standard-scale (30mm) miniature STLs of the core set character units, and more!

112 backers

USD 50.00

Includes 14 products

This is the full standard game, and includes all the STL files for the core set + the traditional print-and-play PDF + every stretch goal added! Stretch goals include expanded character units for either faction, NINE new factions, new terrain tiles and special locations, expanded rules including special scenarios, campaign play, and multiplayer (more than two), standard-scale (30mm) miniature STLs of the core set character units, and more! 

In addition, you'll get a lifetime license to freely sell 3d printed (or paper-printed) versions of the game, which extends to any parts that get added during this campaign!