Campaign Cover

The Whispering Forest

Created by MonolithArts's Avatar MonolithArts

80+ highly detailed nature themed miniatures. Professionally pre-supported STL's for 3D printing in 32mm scale.

The Whispering Forest

Created by MonolithArts's Avatar MonolithArts
  • Pledges (2)
  • Add-ons (4)


258 backers

USD 59.00

Includes 26 products

This pledge gives you every STL file from the Whispering Forest, including unlocked stretch goals.

80+ STL files.

This tier is for personal use only. Any distribution or sale of these digital STL files, 3D prints, molds or casts made from these characters are prohibited.

36 backers

USD 250.00

Includes 26 products

This pledge gives you every STL file from the Whispering Forest, including unlocked stretch goals.

80+ STL files.

This pledge grants you a commercial license for life. 
This pledge guarantees you the right to sell 3D printed copies from this The Whispering Forest campaign. 
Reselling the digital files is strictly prohibited.


USD 109.00

77 miniatures. Wraiths, hags, ghosts and dark riders.

Package includes:

77 miniatures

Bases for each character

Pre-supported and unsupported

STL files and Lychee files



Banshee - 5 poses

Black Rider - 1 pose

Corrupted Fiend - 3 poses

Cursed Summoner - 1 pose

Cursed Wretch - 3 poses

Damned Spirit - 3 poses

Dragon Rider - 1 pose

Dreadful Headsman - 3 poses

Fallen Crusader - 3 poses

Fallen Wraithlord - 3 poses

Forsaken Duke - 3 poses

Forsaken Soul - 3 poses

Ghosts - 5 poses

Headless Horseman - 1 pose

Imprisoned Soul - 3 poses

Inscale Cleric - 3 poses

Mad Queen - 3 poses

Nameless Phantom - 3 poses

Necromancer - 3 poses

Plagued Wraith - 3 poses

Restless Shadow - 3 poses

Shadow Rider - 1 pose

Soul Keeper - 1 pose

Soulfire Giant - 1 pose

Vile Knight - 3 poses

Wailing Hag - 3 poses

Weeping Widow - 3 poses

Wraith King - 3 poses

Wretched Soul - 3 poses

USD 109.00

79 miniatures. Wraiths, hags, ghosts and dark riders.

Package includes:

79 miniatures

STL files and Lychee files

Pre-supported and unsupported


Black Rider - 1 pose

Corrupted Knight - 3 poses

Corrupted Rider - 1 pose

Cursed Soldier - 3 poses

Damned Swordsman - 3 poses

Demon Queen - 3 poses

Demonic Spirit - 3 poses

Fallen Angel - 3 wing variations

Forgotten Paladin - 3 poses

Ghost Mage - 5 poses

Ghost Rider - 1 pose

Ghost Warrior - 5 poses

Horrific Fiend - 3 poses

Insane Witch - 3 poses

Mad Wizard - 3 poses

Malicious Wraith - 3 poses

Miserable Crone - 3 poses

Psychic Succubus - 3 poses

Psychotic Soul - 3 poses

Shadow Rider - 1 pose

Shrieking Hag - 3 poses

Soul Eater - 3 poses

Soul Harvester - 3 poses

Spiteful Sorcerer - 3 poses

Twisted Ghoul - 3 poses

Unholy Crusader - 3 poses

Unholy Rider - 1 pose

Wicked Shadow - 3 poses

Wretched Elemental - 3 poses


USD 58.00

Cold weather themed miniatures for 3D printing with lots of fur, bone and horns.

29 pre-supported stl files in 32mm scale. Non-supported files will be included as well.





Frost Giant

Frost Golem





Saber Tooth Tiger







Wolf Pet



USD 8.00

Large 1:12 scale and miniature 32mm scale.

1:12 scale comes in 19 sliced and pre-supported STL parts that fits smaller printers as well.

Package includes:

Pre-supperted stls
Non supported stls
Lychee files
Rendered images
1:12 scale (H: 284mm / W: 224mm / D:215mm)
32mm scale