Magnolia Summer

Username: magnoliar
Learning to Deal With Problems in a Relationship

You are a wise person, an honor student and an efficient worker. You may have a brilliant mind, but you are a fool when it comes to love. When you are in a relationship, you simply cannot control being possessive. You want to know everything about yo
Learning to Deal With Problems in a Relationship

You are a wise person, an honor student and an efficient worker. You may have a brilliant mind, but you are a fool when it comes to love. When you are in a relationship, you simply cannot control being possessive. You want to know everything about your partner and you would always check on his whereabouts. Most men, no matter how they love you, will eventually get tired of having to explain all their actions to their girlfriends.

You have to admit that most of the problems in relationship that you have faced with your ex in the past were due to your lack of trust with the guy. He had tried to explain this to you many times before, but you were too busy listening to your own emotions that you did not pay any attention to his thoughts and feelings.

Now that you want him back, you must first make sure that you are really intent in doing everything to make the relationship work if he will agree to give it another try. You know you still want him back. Swallow your pride and know that you can still work things out. Sometimes, love is not enough. Learn to trust and learn to compromise too.

You have to open your eyes to the usual problems in relationship that have been experienced by many couples. You should also focus on the problems that you've had before with your guy and think hard about what led to these and why.

Before you do steps in order to reconcile with your ex flame, you need to be very certain that you are serious about making the relationship work this time. To get this done, you both need to lay everything out and speak about the emotional baggage that you have dealt with in the past.

Consider this as a fresh start that both of you need to work harder on to make sure that it is going to be smooth sailing this time. If you still love each other, it will be easy to get back, but aside from love, you both need to promise that you will change for the best.

Together, you have to analyze the problems in relationship that you have dealt with before. Through this, you can make up your mind on what to do if ever you will be in the same situation in the future.

5 Fun and Inexpensive Date Ideas

Are you on a tight budget and it just seems impossible for you to go out with her? You need not worry much, for going out with your date will no longer leave your wallet empty. Here are 5 fun and inexpensive date ideas that will surely fit your budget.

1. Play and drink. Do you and your girl like going to pricey bars to drink and dance? Well here is a very good alternative; instead of going to pricey clubs where you will surely spend tons of money, why not spends your night at your local bar. Beers and wine are not half bad but the price will surely make you order for more. To make the night even more memorable, you can go to a bar where there is a pool table or a dart board. It will make your night more exciting by having a bet on who can have a higher score. The winner can do anything that s/he wants. Make your girl win and be her slave for a night for a sizzling end of the evening's fun. You can also make the loser sing a song from the jukebox that will surely make everyone happy. Be sure to take some pictures so you can always get a laugh out of it.

2. Take her out. The best thing to spend a fun and exciting day with your girl is to take her where the excitement is. Instead of taking her in a very expensive restaurant, why don't you take her in an unusual and inexpensive place? There was a study saying that women tend to judge you on the places you take her to. If you take her to those 5 star hotels and expensive restaurants, she might think that you are too uptight for fun. So, try going on local diners, where the food servings are bigger than the usual. They are good for sharing food with each other and it makes things more intimate without spending too much.

3. Movies. Seeing a movie is a great way to spend time with your girlfriend. But movies these days are becoming expensive. So, instead of taking her to a movie theater, see a movie in a drive in movie instead. You can buy popcorn and cuddle inside the car while watching a nice romantic movie under the stars. You can also spend your time at home and have a movie marathon. This is even less expensive and you don't need to drive. Make the ambiance romantic by lighting up some candles.

4. The Nature. One of these 5 fun and inexpensive date ideas that will surely make your girl hold on to you is to take her closer to nature. Take advantage of the beauty of nature near your area. You can take a night hike and camp out. Start a bonfire near the beach and lie down holding hands while looking at the sky. I'm sure your girl will never forget how sweet it is.

5. Cook. Have you ever cooked something for your girl? Well, if not, I guess this is the time for you do it. Show her that you cannot just make her laugh but you can also make the best roast beef there is. No need to attend a cooking school for this. There are a number of "how to" videos on the net that can surely help you with this task. You can also try cooking together.

Going out on a date doesn't mean you have to spend every penny in your pocket. Follow these 5 fun and inexpensive ideas to make your girl fall in love with you all over again.
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